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みちのく潮風トレイル数珠つなぎハイキング in 山元町/Hiking sections of the MCT, Yamamoto event

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English follows Japanese.






  • 日時:12月11日(土)8:00〜16:00(予定)
  • ルート:Google Mapからご確認いただけます。
  • 集合時間/場所:8:00/新地駅前
  • 解散時間/場所:16:00/山下駅前
  • 定員:10名(先着順)
  • 参加費:1,000円(保険料込み)
  • 持ち物:保険証、歩きやすい靴、動きやすい服装、防寒着、雨具、飲み物、昼食、マスク(感染症対策グッズ)、その他歩くときに必要なもの
  • 申込方法:お住まいの市町村名、氏名、年齢、電話番号を名取トレイルセンターまでお知らせください。
  • 申し込み/問合せ先:みちのく潮風トレイル 名取トレイルセンター
    TEL:022-398-6181 FAX:022-398-6181 Mail:info@m-tc.org

Come join us on December’s hiking event held by Michinoku Trail Club.

In previous events, we walked through Soma and Shinchi, and next up is the Yamamoto section of the MCT.
We’ll start at Shinchi Station and walk about 20 kilometers of paved path, ending at Yamashita Station.

Both the roads and the landscape along this course has changed a lot and differs even from the maps due to reconstruction work, so this is a good event for experiencing what the coast here is like now.
Mid-walk, we will also enter Tsunami Monument Nakahama Elementary School, where 90 people, many of them children, survived the 2011 tsunami by evacuating to the roof of the building.

If this sounds like fun, sign up and come join us for a nice Saturday walk!

Event information

  • Date and time: Saturday, December 11th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (ending time may differ depending on the walk)
  • Route: Please see the route on Google Maps
  • Gathering time and place: 8:00 AM in front of Shinchi Station
  • Ending time and place: At 4:00 PM in front of Yamashita Station
  • # participants: 10 people (in order of first applied)
  • Cost: 1,000 yen per person (includes event insurance)
    ※ It costs an additional 400 yen for admission to Tsunami Monument Nakahama Elementary School.
  • What to bring/wear: Health insurance card, clothes and shoes suitable for hiking and for cold weather/possible rain, a drink, lunch, a mask (and other goods to prevent infection as needed), anything else you need to walk.
  • How to apply: Please apply to Natori Trail Center. You’ll need to give your city/town of residence, name, age and phone number to apply.
    >>>You can also apply through this form (Japanese)
  • Applications/inquiries: Michinoku Coastal Trail Natori Trail Center
    Tel: 022-398-6181 Fax: 022-398-6181 E-mail: info@m-tc.org