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牡鹿半島・金華山整備イベント/Oshika Peninsula/Kinkasan Island maintenance event

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English follows Japanese.



  • 開催日時:2022年7月9日(土) 8:00〜14:30
  • 募集人数:5名
  • 整備場所:石巻市金華山・おしか御番所公園周辺
  • 参加費:無料
  • 持ち物:飲み物、昼食、動きやすい服装、虫除け、軍手、あれば草刈り鎌・枝切りばさみなど(整備道具がない方には貸出可能です。)
  • 作業内容:刈払った草を道のわきに寄せる作業が主です。
  • 加入保険:NPO法人みちのくトレイルクラブ加入の保険が適用されます。
  • 集合時間・場所:
  • 主催者:石巻山の会
  • 協力:NPO法人みちのくトレイルクラブ
  • 申し込み:こちらから必要事項を入力ください。
  • 問合せ先:NPO法人みちのくトレイルクラブ
    • TEL:022-398-6181(火曜定休)
    • メール:info@m-tc.org
  • 申込締切:7月7日(木)12時まで

Here’s some info about an upcoming train maintenance event at Kinkasan Island and Oshika Gobansho Park in Ishinomaki.

Check out the details, and if you’re interested, don’t hesitate to apply!
The photos are of a previous trail maintenance event in Onagawa.

Event Summary

  • Date and time: Saturday, July 9th, 2022 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM
  • # participants: 5 people
  • Location: Around Kinkasan Island and Oshika Gobansho Park
    ※ Participants will be split into two groups.
  • Cost: Free
  • What to brink: A drink, lunch, clothing suitable for physical work, bug repellent, gloves, and grass scythes/branch cutters if you have them (tools will be lent out to people who don’t have ny)
    ※ You will need to be prepared for leeches, ticks, and to prevent heatstroke
  • Activity: Participants will mostly gather move cut grasses/weeds to the sides of the path.
  • Insurance: The insurance that Michinoku Trail Club has will be applied to the event.
  • Gathering times and places:
    • 7:00 AM AEON Super Center (participants will share rides with each other and go to Whale Town Oshika)
    • 8:00 AM Whale Town Oshika parking lot (participants who want to meet on-site can come here directly)
  • Held by: Ishinomaki Yama no Kai
  • With cooperation by: NPO Michinoku Trail Club
  • Application: Please apply using this form (Japanese) or contact us if you want to apply in English.
  • Inquiries: NPO Michinoku Trail Club
    • Tel:022-398-6181 (except Tuesdays, center is closed)
    • Email: info@m-tc.org
  • Application deadline: Please apply by 12 noon, July 7th (Thursday)