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野田村てくてくフォトウォーク/Noda Photo Walk

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English follows Japanese.




令和3年(2021年)9月26日(日) 受付9:10~9:30/開会9:40/閉会12:30頃
野田村内チェックポイント ※地図は当日配布されます。
一般の部:2人以上で組まれたチーム ファミリーの部:小学生以下の子ども最低1人を含むチーム


Walk along, take pictures, and see Noda!

In this event, teams of participants will use a map handed out at the event to walk to and take photos at as many checkpoints as possible to gather points

The checkpoints will be announced on the day of the event, and will mainly include tourist spots, scenic locations, places on the Michinoku Coastal Trail and in the Sanriku Geopark.

The top three teams for the general division and family division will be rewarded, and the winning prizes will be Noda specialties including Araumi scallops and Nanbufuku pork.
The participation fee even comes with a special bento lunch box by restaurant Minami.
Team up with friends and family and come join the fun!

■ Date and time
September 26 (Sunday), 2021. Reception 9:10 AM to 9:30 AM, event starts 9:40 AM, event ends around 12:30 pm.
■ Area
Checkpoints will be within Noda. ※The map showing checkpoints will be handed out the day of the event.
Gathering spot: Grassy park in front of Noda Town Hall (Dai 20 Chiwari-14 Noda Village, Kunohe-gun, Iwate)
■ How to participate/divisions
Please apply in teams of two to five people. Limit 40 participants (about 10 and 15 teams)
General division: Teams of two to five people
Family division: Teams that include at least one elementary age or younger child
■ Cost (per person)
1000 yen general participant, 500 yen elementary to middle school aged children, free for preschool children and younger
■ How to apply
Please fill out the back of the event flyer and submit it to the Noda Village Board of Education by Friday, September 17th via either email form or fax (0194-78-2158).

Please see the flyer shown above or the Noda Village Tourism Association website (Japanese) for details.