HOME > 最新情報 > イベント情報 > 海辺に咲く植物たちを見てみよう! 海浜植物観察会 in 名取閖上/See flowering plants at the coast! Coastal plant event in Yuriage, Natori

海辺に咲く植物たちを見てみよう! 海浜植物観察会 in 名取閖上/See flowering plants at the coast! Coastal plant event in Yuriage, Natori

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English follows Japanese.

[開催日時] 2021年5月29日(土)9:30~12:00
[集合場所] みちのく潮風トレイル 名取トレイルセンター(名取市閖上東3丁目12-1)
[開催場所] 名取市閖上浜
[定員] 30名
[参加費] 無料

9:15~ 9:30  受付
9:30~10:00  イントロダクション (トレイルセンター会議室)
10:10~10:30  海辺まで徒歩で移動
10:30~11:20  海浜植物の観察
11:20~11:45  トレイルセンターまで徒歩で移動
11:45~12:00  まとめ

NPO法人みちのくトレイルクラブ(みちのく潮風トレイル 名取トレイルセンター内、火曜定休) 

北の里浜花のかけはしネットワーク https://hamahirugao.jimdofree.com/
NPO法人 名取ハマボウフウの会 http://hamabouhuu.info/
NPO法人みちのくトレイルクラブ https://m-tc.org/


10 years after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, various infrastructure to help protect against natural disasters has been completed, and while the living things on the coast still suffer from loss of habitat, they are gradually recovering. The springtime beach is colored beautifully with beach peas and beach morning glory in full bloom, plants that have overcome the damage of the tsunami. Meanwhile, the beach is lively as those flowers attract insects, and those insects attract still larger creatures. Among this wildlife are things that we humans can eat as well…
In this event, you can come see the lovely flowers that bloom on the shore during this season as well as other wildlife, all the while being guided by people in the know. Hear about survival tricks in the harsh oceanside environment and experience the recovering seashore.
We will also show you the area where we work to bring sand dunes back to the seawalls.
Come join us!
Note we’ll be taking appropriate measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We thank you for your cooperation.

[Time and date]Saturday, May 29th from 9:30 to 12:00 noon
[Gathering spot]Michinoku Coastal Trail Natori Trail Center (3-12-1 Higashi Yuriage, Natori City)
[Area]Yuriage Beach, Natori
[# participants]Up to 30 people
[What to wear/what to bring]
・There aren’t any buildings etc. to block wind and sun, so make sure to dress warmly enough and protect yourself from the sun.
・The only restroom will be at the gathering spot, Natori Trail Center.
・Please bring your own snacks and drinks
・If it’s raining or drizzling lightly, we’ll hold the event while keeping an eye on the weather. If the weather report predicts rain, bring your rain gear.
・We will ask participants to wear masks, disinfect their hands, and have their temperature checked. Thank you for your cooperation!

9:15~ 9:30 Reception
9:30~10:00 Introduction (inside Natori Trail Center
10:10~10:30  Walk to the beach
10:30~11:20  Look at beach plant life
11:20~11:45 Walk back to Natori Trail Center
11:45~12:00 Final thoughts

Please give the name, age, town/city of residence and phone number for all the people in your group to Michinoku Trail Club by 5 pm, May 28th (Wednesday). Apply via email, phone, or fax.
Registration for the event may end earlier than this time if the maximum # of participants is reached.
NPO Michinoku Trail Club (inside Michinoku Coastal Trail Natori Trail Center, closed Tuesdays)
E-mail: info@m-tc.org
Tel: 022-398-6181
Fax: 022-398-6182

[Held by]
Kita no Satohama Hana no Kakehashi Network https://hamahirugao.jimdofree.com/
NPO Natori Beach Silvertop Society http://hamabouhuu.info/
[With cooperation from]
Regional Environmental Planning, Inc.
NPO Michinoku Trail Club https://m-tc.org/
[Subsidized by]
Japan Fund for Global Environment