HOME > 最新情報 > お知らせ > 名取トレイルセンター 野営場に喫煙サイトの設置について / New smoking site at Natori Trail Center campground

名取トレイルセンター 野営場に喫煙サイトの設置について / New smoking site at Natori Trail Center campground

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English follows Japanese.
みちのく潮風トレイル 名取トレイルセンターでは、受動喫煙対策の一貫として野営場内に喫煙サイトを設けました。様々な方々に施設を快適にご利用いただくため、施設のルールとして分煙を推進します。




また喫煙サイトの間仕切りベンチにはMTCの環境活動の一環として、二酸化炭素を固定・貯蔵することをコンセプトとした家具「CARBON STOCK FURNITURE(カーボンストックファニチャー)」を採用しました。




Michinoku Coastal Trail Natori Trail Center has built a smoking site to help prevent second-hand smoking. Having separate smoking and non-smoking areas as a facility rule will help people from various backgrounds have a pleasant time here.

Michinoku Trail Club is working to keep the Michinoku Coastal Trail clean. Taking all garbage home is an important part of sustainably enjoying the natural beauty of our national parks that we want smokers to observe. In accordance this this, there is no ashtray at the smoking site. We ask smokers to please use pocket ashtrays and take their cigarette waste home. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

We used “Carbon Stock Furniture” for the smoking site’s bench and partition as part of MTC’s commitment to environmental causes.


Due to factors including a slump in domestic lumber and an increasing number of neglected forests, forest maintenance and the forestry cycle for planted forests is becoming a serious problem in many areas of Japan. Meanwhile, Natori City made a “Zero Carbon City” declaration in October 2021. We hope to make a small but real impact reducing CO₂ in the atmosphere by using this furniture, which was made from Japanese cedar grown in Natori City and stores about 685.44 kg of carbon dioxide.

※ This smoking site is a joint project between Michinoku Trail Club and Japan Tobacco.