HOME > 最新情報 > イベント情報 > みちのく潮風トレイルin宮古市田老地区~重津部海岸清掃活動~/Michinoku Coastal Train in Taro, Miyako: Beach Cleaning in Omotsube~

みちのく潮風トレイルin宮古市田老地区~重津部海岸清掃活動~/Michinoku Coastal Train in Taro, Miyako: Beach Cleaning in Omotsube~

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English follows Japanese. 青森県八戸市から福島県相馬市までの海岸線を中心に設定された歩く道「みちのく潮風トレイル」。

定  員:20名(小学生以下保護者同伴) 
参 加 費 :無料
持 ち 物 :歩きやすい格好、飲み物

浄土ヶ浜ビジターセンター 0193-65-1690

The Michinoku Coastal Trail goes through lots of beach and coastline as it makes its way from Hachinohe, Aomori south to Soma, Fukushima.
Through this beach cleaning event, we can grow to love this trail even more and rediscover what’s so great about this area!

Date and time: June 12th, 2021 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
# participants: 20 people (Elementary school age and younger must come with an adult guardian). Please apply in advance for this event. This event is open to Iwate residents only. Thank you for your understanding.
Cost: Free
Gathering place: Jodogahama Visitor Center (32-69, Hitachihama-cho, Miyako, Iwate)
Reception starts at 9:15 AM.
What to bring/wear: Clothes and shoes suitable for walking, a drink
※ The tools needed for the beach clean will be prepared for participants, no need to bring anything else.
※ This program may partially change due to coronavirus measures.

Applications, inquiries:
Jodogahama Visitor Center 0193-65-1690