HOME > 最新情報 > 注意情報 > 2025年2月26日更新【通行止め情報】: 岩手県陸前高田市小友町 林野火災発生について

2025年2月26日更新【通行止め情報】: 岩手県陸前高田市小友町 林野火災発生について

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【Road Closed: Wildfires in the Otomo Area】The forest fire that occurred in Otomo-cho, Rikuzentakata City on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 was declared extinguished at 12 noon on the 26th, but traffic restrictions will continue to be implemented in the attached sections as safety checks are conducted by the fire department and police station. If you are traveling along the route from Otomo-cho, Rikuzentakata City to Massaki-cho, Ofunato City, please detour by using the Ofunato Line BRT from Otomo Station to Goishi Kaiganguchi Station.